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Tag: professionals

Articles tagged as Professionals

Tips On How To Get The Best Nursing Shoes

Posted on August 13, 2023 by David Brown
The purchase of shoes can be an area that can't be stressed enough in the nursing field.During the past nurses wore the original white shoes that set a nurse aside from other professions.As time passes, it has changed, and there are many other styles available, with some nurses even choosing to wear either black or white sneakers rather than the traditional shoes.The problem with shoes is that you need to toss style for comfort if you are on your own feet the whole day...

Hotel Mystery Shopping

Posted on January 2, 2023 by David Brown
If you love travel and consider yourself a specialist with regards to accommodations, you might be thinking about the hotel mystery shopping industry.Hotel mystery shopping involves the usage of a specialist evaluator who visits a hotel and will be offering feedback associated with the client service, employee attitudes, room cleanliness, clean rating and option of needed items.This might include an ample way to obtain towels, shampoo, soap, tissues, etc...